ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Edit Steel Hanglist Dialog

Used to specify the order in which components in your steel work package are installed.

Opens when you right-click the name of a steel work package in the Work Package dialog.

Hanglist Items

Lists all of the components that make up the work package and the order they are installed. Items in the list appear in the same order in the animated sequence. The list shows all of the attributes for each component; but by clicking Configure you can show only the attributes you want to see and change the order in which they display.

Move Up

Moves the highlighted line up one position in the list. A moved-up component is sequenced before those below it in the list.

Move Down

Moves the highlighted line down one position in the list. A moved-down component is sequenced after those above it in the list.

To Top

Moves the highlighted component to the top of the list. This component is sequenced first.

To Bottom

Moves the highlighted component to the bottom of the list. This component is sequenced last.


Displays the Steel Hanglist Item Attribute Configuration dialog, which is used to change the column display in the Hanglist Items section of the dialog. Controls on this dialog are analogous to the those on the Project Schedule Attribute Configuration dialog.


Performs the animated sequence in the view window. First your project is cleared from the view, then each component is displayed every one second, until all components in the list are displayed. At the end, only the components in the hanglist display; all others are hidden. To display the rest of your project, go to the Work Package dialog, right-click on a node and select Unfocus.


Stops the animate sequence in the view window.


Saves the changes you made and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog and discards your changes.


Saves your changes and keeps the dialog open. This button is active only if you make a change.